Don’t let the fog on your windows obstruct your view and jeopardise your safety! Learn how to clear your fogged windows quickly and stay safe!

Did you know?

The cause of your windscreen fogging up comes down to the water vapour in the atmosphere that occurs when your body heats the air inside the cabin (as does your breath) increasing the amount of moisture it can hold. This means when it comes into contact with your windscreen it cools and condenses, forming a mist.

Clear you windscreen in double-quick time

1. Heater

Start the heater off cold and direct at the windscreen and windows, then slowly increase the temperature.

2. Air-conditioner

Turn the A/C on, which will pull the moisture from the air as it passes over the cooling coils.

3. Recirculation button

Turn off the recirculation button so colder, dryer air is brought into the car.

4. Windows

Open your window slightly for a couple of minutes to help exchange the humid interior air for dryer air outside.